Models in G4F

G4F supports a wide range of models for text generation and image creation, allowing you to choose the best model for your specific use case.

About Models

In G4F, models refer to the underlying AI systems that power text generation and image creation. Each model has its own strengths, capabilities, and characteristics. G4F provides access to a variety of models from different providers, giving you the flexibility to select the most suitable model for your needs.

Supported Models

G4F supports a wide range of models for text generation and image creation. Here are some of the key models available:

Experiment with different models to find the one that best suits your specific use case and requirements.

Model Selection

When using G4F, you have the flexibility to choose the model you want to use for text generation or image creation. The model parameter in the API allows you to specify the desired model.

response = client.completions.create(
    messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hello!"}]

If no model is specified, G4F will use the default model set in the configuration.

Model Availability

The availability of models may vary depending on the provider and your account permissions. Some models, such as GPT-4, may require special access or a paid subscription.

Check the documentation of the specific provider to learn more about model availability and any associated requirements.

Model Performance

The performance of models can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the task, the quality and size of the training data, and the specific architecture of the model. It’s important to consider the trade-offs between model performance and other factors like inference speed and resource consumption.


G4F provides access to a diverse range of models for text generation and image creation, empowering you to choose the most suitable model for your specific needs. By understanding the characteristics and capabilities of different models, you can make informed decisions and achieve the best results in your projects.

Always consider the ethical implications and potential biases of the models you use, and ensure that the generated content aligns with your intended use case and complies with relevant guidelines and regulations.